Key Capital Raises

Every Shelter

Scott Key

Nonprofit 2021

Jane Mosbacher Morris pitches TO THE MARKET at the 2023 Summit in Napa, CA.

In spirit of the Partnerships commitment of The Redemptive Business playbook, we “hope for investor relationships marked by trust and even friendship that is independent of the outcome of their investment.” Below are a few of nearly 150 raises as we celebrate with these ventures and continue to cultivate a community of redemptive capital allocators.

  • AURA HEALTH (Steve Lee and Daniel Lee, Business 2020): $6M to provide the world’s most extensive library of mental health content and 1:1 coaching and therapy
  • CLOVERLEAF (Darrin Murriner and Kirsten Moorefield, Business 2023): $7.3M to make workplace coaching accessible through AI automation
  • LAUNCH CAPITAL (Jimmy Wright and Michael Hall, Business 2022): $18M for real estatebased services to help refugees and immigrants integrate into their new communities and build self-reliance
  • LIVFUL (Matt Elsberry and Hogan Bassey, Business 2018): $3.6M to discover, develop, and distribute health product innovations to millions of people in developing economies
  • PLEASE ASSIST ME (Stephanie Cummings and Rashad Cummings, Business 2023): $1.1M to provide employment and opportunities for advancement for a historically underworked, underpaid workforce as vetted home assistants
  • PROCURE IMPACT (Lauren McCann and Jen Collins, Business 2024): $4.5M to help companies achieve their social impact goals through everyday purchases, creating job opportunities and economic mobility for the most vulnerable populations
  • TAKE COMMAND HEALTH (Jack Hooper, Business 2017): $25M to scale a new model of health benefits through a tax-free allowance that gives employees more choice and relieves the burden from employer
  • TO THE MARKET (Jane Mosbacher Morris, Business 2023): $1.7M to enable transparency in the supply chain, allowing retailers, brands, and corporations to vet, monitor, and procure from ethical and sustainable suppliers

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