Praxis Academy

A learning center for redemptive entrepreneurship.

Every Shelter

Scott Key

Nonprofit 2021

Academy Activate attendees in conversation in New York City.

Since 2014, we’ve introduced over 1,750 entrepreneurs and builders to the principles and practices of redemptive entrepreneurship through Praxis Academy events. This year, in partnership with InterVarsity, Praxis Academy hosted a 1-day event preceding the February 2024 Believers in Business conference in New York City. We’re also hosting another cohort of next-generation entrepreneurs (Emerging Founders) at our Summit. Both events provide young entrepreneurs the opportunity to hear from exemplary founders and capital providers about building redemptive ventures addressing the major issues of our time.


In February 2024, over 140 aspiring leaders gathered in New York City to explore the creation of a redemptive vision and strategy for their vocation. Sessions included talks on redemptive quests and the Redemptive Frame, panel interviews on Strategy, Operations, and Leadership, and 4-minute pitches from Praxis Portfolio Fellows. We concluded the day with an exercise to encourage participants to draft three different “Redemptive Quest Plans” to explore redemptive quests that best fit their individual callings and giftings. In breakout discussions, attendees dug deeper into the Praxis Playbooks on business, nonprofits, investing, and philanthropy.

Academy Activate was an inspiring event characterized by the shared enthusiasm and commitment of attendees. We are so encouraged by the humble ambition demonstrated by the leaders in this community.


Now in its second year, the Emerging Founders scholarship enables a cohort of early-career entrepreneurs to attend our annual Summit. As our community’s guests, Emerging Founders join regular event programming and have unique opportunities to engage with Mentors and Praxis Fellows onsite. Emerging Founders tend to be early in their career, serious about their Christian faith, have demonstrated capacity and intent in pursuing entrepreneurship, and are humble in their posture and ambitious in their vocational pursuits.

Most of these leaders are working on their first venture; a few are already serial entrepreneurs; and others are in a discernment phase, exploring issues close to their heart and prototyping venture ideas alongside full-time professional commitments.

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