Praxis Accelerators

Supporting founders in the growth of their ventures.

Every Shelter

Scott Key

Nonprofit 2021

A breakout discussion at the Nonprofit 2024 event in New York.

In our Business and Nonprofit Accelerators, we see our community in action, coming alongside our Fellows for guidance and wisdom on how they can pursue their quests with redemptive imagination. Here’s what we’ve seen in the past year:

  • Catalytic introductions, including influential industry partners and potential enterprise clients
  • Trajectory-shifting guidance, including business model design, future board members, and brand identity
  • Shared learning through a new group office hours about team, story, fundraising, and leadership
  • Capital to scale, including guaranteed funding from Praxis Capital Partners ($100K of opt-in investment for Business ventures and a $50K unrestricted grant for Nonprofit ventures)

This year we invested in strengthening the Accelerator peer community through additional all-cohort calls, peer synthesis, and group office hours. Looking ahead, we hope to create more space and opportunity for our Fellows to grow relationships that will last far beyond the program.

Across the Portfolio, we continue to develop ways that our team and community can support entrepreneurs and their ventures. We’ve coordinated learning opportunities (like primers on co-founder dynamics and spiritual metrics), met in peer circles for deep connection, and hosted Design Sessions to help navigate inflection points.

We are continually grateful to witness the beautiful, expanding mosaic of the body of Christ at work in the world through hundreds of nonprofit and business ventures.


We were thrilled to receive 325 applications for the 2024 Accelerator cohorts, and with only 24 spots available, our acceptance rate was 7.4%. As ever, we’re enthusiastic about the quality of the founders and ventures that we have the privilege to support.

We hope to cultivate a Portfolio of ventures that reflects the many aspects of God and his kingdom. When we look at the composition of this year’s cohort, we see an opportunity for continued growth:

  • 11 of 24 ventures (46%) are led by people of color
  • 9 of 24 ventures (38%) include female Fellows
  • The ventures work in 20 of the 34 Opportunities for Redemptive Imagination (ORIs) (59%)

In our Portfolio, 31% of ventures are led by people of color, and 30% include female Fellows. As a whole, the ventures touch all 34 ORIs; however, we’re interested in
building depth in areas like Large-Scale Innovation for Environmental Stewardship and Redemptive Application of Frontier Technologies.

With a spirit of discernment, we are eager to meet the founders who will help build a vibrant, rich Portfolio.

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