Please Assist Me

Stephanie Cummings

Stephanie Cummings

Stephanie Cummings
Rashad Cummings

Rashad Cummings

Rashad Cummings

Please Assist Me is an all-inclusive tech platform that allows busy individuals to come home to completed tasks: groceries in the refrigerator, a tidy house, clean laundry, finished errands, and more, all handled by a dedicated Please Assist Me assistant. Helping working Americans find true work-life balance is a source of pride. In addition to the benefit that Please Assist Me provides to customers, they are focused on changing the home care and gig economy workforce by classifying employees as W-2 (1099) and providing redemptive frameworks for advancement for a historically overworked, underappreciated, and underpaid workforce.


Logo Coming Soon

Business 2023
Washington, DC
pitch presentation
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