Lance Lang

Executive Director

Hope is Alive

Lance Lang has devoted his life to inspiring hope in those suffering from addiction, sharing his own journey from addiction to brokenness to freedom. From growing up as a pastor’s son under the watchful eye of small-town America to leading a $30M project management firm at the age of 25, pressure to perform and live up to others’ expectations was a way of life for Lance. As the heaviness of these burdens grew, Lance turned to drugs and alcohol to keep up, creating a cycle of abuse and addiction that destroyed his hope. But God pursued him and in a moment’s notice changed everything in his life. Since getting clean & sober in April 2011, Lance has inspired thousands of others to do the same. In October 2012, Lance founded Hope is Alive Ministries. Today, HIA has 21 homes filled with men and women working to restore their lives. He has written four books and tells his story hundreds of times each year across the country.

Lance Lang