an introduction to redemptive entrepreneurship

Host a Redemptive Imagination Dinner

Host a dinner gathering to inspire a reimagination of your vocation, life, and venture through a redemptive lens with your friends, co-workers, church members, and others. Redemptive Imagination Dinners aim to bring groups of people together for a warm meal and engage them in intentional conversation around redemptive entrepreneurship.

Before the dinner, guests will be asked to watch a short video that will introduce them to the core principles of redemptive entrepreneurship. During dinner, hosts will use provided questions to guide a thoughtful discussion around the exploitative pressures and ethical best practices that we face, then move into possibilities for redemptive action in the context of our own vocations, industries, and ventures.

Redemptive Imagination Dinners in Five Hours

As a host, you'll have everything you need to gather guests for a Redemptive Imagination Dinner. We'll provide a comprehensive host guide, as well as send you dinner conversation placemats and copies of Praxis Redemptive Playbooks so you can plan and host your dinner in 5 hours.


75 minutes

pre-watch video

15 minutes

dinner & discussion

2.5 hours

follow up

1 hour

5 questions for the host:

Medium shot of a group of 4 Praxis Fellows engaged in deep discussion.